Why are you reading this blog? I can barely write in it. How bored are you that you've decided to read what other people have to say. I find blogs amazing.....on a typical day no one wants to listen to a word I say. Seriously, I call my B-list friend Shamus and if he picks up I'm more surprised than a teen mom. But if I post a blog about deploying I get friends texting me about it the next day. Let's be honest though....every word you read I'm keeping you from doing something you don't want to do......so really you should thank me. Your welcome.
If you're still reading you're this you either started on the second paragraph or you're wondering if I'm going to say something interesting. Sorry to disappoint you but this post is about as interesting as a Pass the Salt Shambles blog.....even my big ending let you down (insert sex joke here).
I guess the answer is no.